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A Variety of Options and Functions Installed with a plethora of modes and functions that can alter to suit your needs
Never miss an item again. Reload by Bosch For any forgotten items of laundry, Reload by Bosch allows you to add or remove clothing to your washes. Just stop the running cycle and open the door of the washing machine to simply reload your additional items into the drum and continue the wash
AntiVibration sidewall: more stability and less vibration The new design of the side walls is not only eye-catching: the system also provides more stability and reduces vibration. The enhanced insulation also regulates noise levels, making Bosch dryers very quiet even during the spin cycle
VarioPerfect: Washing more quickly or efficiently Through its perfect programme range, VarioPerfect ensures top wash results for all types of fabrics and every load. With VarioPerfect, you can set most programmes to be quicker or more efficient with the SpeedPerfect and EcoPerfect functions. This reduces time by up to 65% or energy by up to 50%
ActiveWater Plus Save money and protecting the environment thanks to the efficient water management
EcoSilence Drive™: powerful, durable, quiet and efficient A brushless motor reduces friction noise which results in smoother operation
Capacity: 8 kg Maximum Spin Speed (RPM): 1400 Label: A / A / B Electricity Consumption (kwh): 1.06 Large drum size (L): 65