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Create a beautifully unique kitchen with colors that match your personal taste and interior design. The doors are available in a wide range of stylish Bespoke colors and textures*.
* Door color options include: Glass finish in Clean Vanilla, Clean White, Clean Black, Clean Pink, Clean Navy and Clean Peach. Cotta finish in PCM White, PCM Charcoal and PCM Pink.
Save your energy intelligently
SmartThings AI Energy Mode
Monitor and proactively save energy. AI Energy Mode* analyzes your refrigerator usage patterns and estimates power consumption, based on AI technology. If the estimated electricity bill exceeds your preset target, it recommends you activate the Saving mode to reduce energy use by up to 7%**.
* Available on Android and iOS devices. A Wi-Fi connection and a Samsung account are required.** Available for specific models through a Wi-Fi update. Energy usage is reduced by optimizing the compressor speed and operation and adjusting the fridge temperature. Results are based on internal testing and may vary depending on the usage condition and patterns.
Twice more freshness
Optimal Fresh+
Ensure that food stays fresh for twice as long*. The Optimal Fresh+ drawer lets you switch between 4 modes to store different foods. In “Soft Freeze” mode it preserves the freshness of delicate foods, like meat and fish, for two times longer* than normal cooling and retains its natural flavor.
* Available on certain models.** Testing by Samsung Electronics. Data was provided to Intertek who assisted Samsung in interpreting the data in accordance with Samsung’s project plan. Tested on RT47CB668422ST and based on analysis of the APC (aerobic plate count) of sample foods after storage in the test units. Applies when set to Soft Freeze(knob MAX & temp. display 1℃), compared to Fridge room(2℃) in the fridge compartment. Results may vary depending on freshness, usage conditions, and other factors before storage.